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BlizzCast 8 Q&A D3相关及翻译

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作者:Shellbird · 更新:2009/4/6 · 收藏本文 · 【字体:

译者: shellbird
Bornakk: Welcome to the next Q&A portion of BlizzCast. We have our Diablo 3 Game Director Jay Wilson, welcome to the show!
Bornakk:欢迎进入BlizzCastQ&A的下个环节。我们请出的是D3游戏管事Jay Wilson,欢迎来到秀场!

Jay Wilson: Thank you very much.
Jay Wilson: 非常感谢

Bornakk: We have a couple Q&A questions for you today. The first one is from Daleks on USEast. Will shrines be making a return to the world of Sanctuary in Diablo 3?

Jay Wilson: Well there are some aspects of shrines that we liked, experience shrines I think are probably the prime example everyone uses.
Jay Wilson: 咳,有些神殿功能是我们大家都喜欢的,每个人都会用到的经验神殿我看就是个突出的例子

They're fun because they drive the player forward.

Monster shrines are sometimes fun because they bring out a rare that you didn’t know or weren’t expecting that could come from any direction and that’s cool.

But for the most part, the pure mechanic of shrines, a random powerup that just appears in the world for no reason, we don’t really want to litteraly bring that back.

What we are going to try to do is integrate a lot of the best things of shrines into our quest and event systems so that when you encounter a random quest or random event that has a story context within the game it either rewards you like a shrine would reward you or something that is actually built into the gameplay of the quest. So while technically no shrines are not coming back verbatim, we are trying to bring back kind of the best things of them in a different form.

Bornakk: So you'll still have the randomness and spontaneity of it.
那么说你们在新机制中保留了神殿的随机和直观 - tremble 的版本

Jay Wilson: Exactly, and really they are kind of there to change up the gameplay and add a little factor of randomness, but we felt that very few of the shrines actually did that accomplish that goal...
Jay Wilson: 确实,而且它们(指新机制)确能稍微加快游戏进程并为游戏增加些许随机因素,但是我们认为神殿并不能真正做到这点-达到(影响游戏进程)这个层次

Bornakk: Stamina shrine?
Bornakk: 耐力神殿呢?

Jay Wilson: Yeah, stamina shrine lets you run a long time. Skill shrine made you a little bit more powerful. We feel like we can take the best and put them within actual events that are a lot more fun and have a lot more gameplay to them. [ 04:01 ]
Jay Wilson: 是的,耐力神殿能让你长时间跑动,技能神殿让你稍稍猛一点。我们想取其精华并将其放置到实实在在的、更有乐趣、也能为玩家带来更多游戏内容的事件中

Bornakk: Alright, great. The next question is from David Nishball in Fairfield, Connecticut. Will buildings and towns be enterable, like Atma's Bar was from Diablo 2’s second act?
Bornakk:好的,不错,下一个问题来自Connecticut州Narefield的David Nishball:所有建筑以及城镇都是可以进入的吗,就像D2中第二幕的Atma's Bar(译注:Atma中文版一般译为亚特玛,Atma's bar就是鲁高因右下角那个酒吧,传送门上去一点点,pass ACT2的时候得走过去和Atma谈话)那样?

Jay Wilson: There probably will be some buildings, my guess is not too far off from how many were enterable in Diablo 2.
Jay Wilson: 也许会有一会建筑(可进入),我估计数量上和D2中那些可进入的建筑相差不远

Most towns we don’t make all the buildings enterable, it’s just a ton of art to create for very little reason. Most people tear through the towns at lightning speed, so they don’t have a desire to go into the individual buildings. But we do have some specialty buildings that I’m sure we’ll go inside of throughout the quest course of the game. [ 05:41 ]

Bornakk: Okay. The next question is from James on USWest. Will there be a diverse selection of items that are viable for the end-game or will it follow the WoW-type style where there is more like one end-all-be-all set for each class?
Bornakk: OK,下个问题来自USWest的James,是否有多种多样的"终级"装备选择,还是走每个职业"一套打天下"的WOW风格?

Jay Wilson: It’s definitely diverse and it’s diverse on a lot of different fronts. When you think about Diablo 2, all the different ways you can build your character, we really expanded all the ways you can customize your character by adding in the rune system.
Jay Wilson: 决对是多元化的,而且多元在不同方面。想想D2,所有各式各样培养角色的手段,我们实际上还在此基础上加入了符文系统来进一步充实你的角色培养路线

Not only can you completely customize your skill set, much more so than you can in game like most MMOs like World of Warcraft, because of that, the items you want are based upon the skill set that you’ve chosen or the type of build that you are trying to create.

And items, one of the things we are trying to do is focus on this even greater element of defining your build. So really it's up to the player on what kind of stats they want on their character, but we're definitely not shooting for a, "oh here's the barbarian armor", there is a set and when you get the full set you're done. That's just not very Diablo and it's not really the kind of gameplay we're going for. If anything we’d like the item set to be a lot more diverse than it was in Diablo 2.

Bornakk: Always something to collect right?
Bornakk: 总会有所追求是吧?

Jay Wilson: Exactly, always a new build to try out. [ 06:19 ]
Jay Wilson:完成正确,总会想做新的尝试

Bornakk: Right, exactly. The last question we have today is from James Wichtowsky. Have you settled on a particular color scheme for item drops?
Bornakk: 好好好,今天最后的问题来自James Wichtowsky.你们已经设定好掉落物品的颜色了么?

Jay Wilson: We've kind of gone round and round on color scheme. I know with World of Warcraft when they decided on a color scheme to fit quality, they were taking that from Diablo 2 and other MMOs, but they chose a color set that they felt was easier to read.
Jay Wilson: 我们对色彩方案作过多种尝试。我知道WOW采用颜色来区分品质,这招就是他们从D2以及其它MMO中学拿来的,但最终,他们使用了一套他们认为易于辨识的方案

We actually tried to emulate that for awhile, I think actually our announcement build or maybe our BlizzCon build was actually using a color scheme very similar to World of Warcraft and we generally found we just didn’t like it, it didn’t feel Diablo. So something as simple as that didn’t feel Diablo anymore.

Color scheme is pretty solid right now, it follows very closely to the Diablo 2 color scheme.

We slightly shifted some of the hues to help, especially with color blindness, to try and get some of the more problematic combinations.

We took out, for example, uniques were gold, we’ve changed their color I think we did purple which is a bit of a nod to World of Warcraft but the problem was gold and yellow were really close. Even though the gold lettering was unique and everything it was often very difficult to tell the two apart. So we just did that not to get away from Diablo but to try and fix that kind of readability issue.

What we found is that if we try and get too far from Diablo it doesn't feel right, so right now magic items are blue, rare items are yellow, unique items I think they're purple I'm operating off memory here but they might be different actually because I think we use purple for something else for an item type we haven’t announced yet. Then if we do set items they'll be green, we haven't made a call on set items yet.

Bornakk: Okay, well that’s all the questions we have for today, thanks for coming in Jay.
Bornakk: 好啦,这些就是今天的全部问题啦,多谢捧场,Jay

Jay Wilson: My pleasure.
Jay Wilson: 我的荣幸~

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