血球是暗黑3中新增加的一种道具,它很有可能在今后的实际中对游戏进程和方式产生质的改变,你不得不去有计划的安排血球的使用,目前国外有玩家对血瓶和血球之间的相互作用发表了一些看法,Bahiok 对此做了如下评述:
原贴地址:http://bbs.blizzard.cn/read.php?tid-2391.html 翻译:http://www.d3.cn BY achenliu 尊重作者的劳动,转载请注明出处!谢谢合作
Bashiok:是呀,当满血的时候触碰血球仍然可以获得某种好处这个主意的说法在这已经有些日子了。如果我是个赌徒,我会认为有理由需要那些;但实际上我对赌博很糟糕,所以... 我玩《军团要塞2》还不错,所以我倾向于医护风格的过量治疗,就是说在一段时间内缓慢下降。(注:貌似指比如100%血时喝血球将获得110%血,并以2%/s的速度消耗溢出的10%血量直至恢复到正常血量).这样会起作用。当然可能这也是完全没必要的。 不管怎么说,野蛮人角色在混战中会比巫医或者巫师角色更加关心自己的血量,并且在野蛮人技能术中不仅有增加获得血球几率的技能,也有获得更多“效果增益”的技能。所以,现在可以看到比如说除了他们的吸血技能和重生技能等之外有多种方法增加血球的掉落。 重申一下,我们不想画蛇添足。假如你总是在快没血时祈求来一个血球变成最后通行版本,那一定是我们设计出了问题。(注:貌似暗示血球会大大的够用...)。或者在游戏里你确实很烂(倒霉),来让时间证明吧!
Bashiok: Yeah the idea of picking up health globes while at already full health and having them still provide some type of benefit has been an idea bouncing around these halls for quite a while. If I were a bettin' man, and I'm not because I'm horrible at it, I'd reckon that there might be something we do with that.
I play a decent amount of TF2 so I'm sort of partial to the medic-style overheal that then slowly ticks down over time. It could work. It may also be completely unnecessary.
Anyway, the barbarian has to concern himself with health quite a bit more than the witch doctor or wizard being melee and he has skills in his tree that both increase the chance of health globe drops and their 'benefit'. So, right there you can see there are ways to increase orb drops, and that's outside of other leeching type skills, regen skills, etc.
Again, we're not trying to create an aggravating experience. If it's a common issue that you have to run around nearly dead hoping and praying for an orb drop, then we probably messed up somewhere. Or maybe you're terribad at the game. We'll have to wait and see.