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Skovos 传送门 Skovos Town Portal

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Skovos can be found on the south end of the world map as part of the Skovos Isles, the home of the female Amazon warriors found in Diablo II.
在世界地图的最南端可以找到Skovos群岛(Skovos Isles)的Skovos城,暗黑破坏神II中的女亚马逊(Amazon)战士的家乡。
The city is located on an atoll in the Sea of Light, and seems to primarily be a trading harbor for the rest of the Skovos Isles. Skovos' society was, supposedly, founded by a human and angel.
这座城市位于光之海(Sea of Light)的一座环状珊瑚岛上,似乎是Skovos群岛(Skovos Isles)的贸易港口。据推测,Skovos社会是由一位人天使所建。

It was revealed during Blizzcon '08's Lore & Art Panel for Diablo III that Skovos will not be visitable by the player during the events of Diablo III, but that internally they fleshed it out quite a bit so that it could be made reference to by people in the game world.


Town Portal
传送门(Town Portal)

A Town Portal is a specific spell that opens a portal to the closest Horadrim magical gateway. Most people would need this spell written down on a Scroll to use it, as it's very complicated to learn.
一座传送门(Town Portal)就是通过一种特殊的魔法打开的一扇通向最近的Horadrim魔法门。大多数人需要将这种魔法记录在卷轴(Scroll)上以便使用它,因为它很难学会。

Diablo 3 Town Portal
暗黑破坏神III的传送门(Town Portal)
There will be a lot less Town Portals in Diablo 3, and exactly how they will work is unknown. In the WWI 2008 gameplay video, we saw a Barbarian finding and rescuing Deckard Cain, and he returned back to town through a Town Portal, so it's likely that they will exist in some way. Possibly a lot less common, or with a cooldown. We will know more closer to release.
暗黑破坏神III的传送门(Town Portal)会大大减少,它们的功能目前也是未知的。在2008全球邀请赛的游戏录像中,我们看到一名野蛮人(Barbarian)找到并解救了Deckard Cain,他是通过一扇传送门(Town Portal)回城的,因此传送门(Town Portal)很可能以某种形式继续存在。也许没以前那么方便,也许有冷却时间等。随着发布时间临近我们会得到更多消息。

The Town Portal spell seems to be closely related to the Horadric Waypoint network, and work with similar magical components to the Teleport spell, however, it does not seem to require the same type of physical component as the runed stone of a Waypoint. The Brotherhood constructed numerous magical gateways between their mighty fortresses and settlements so that they could quickly concentrate their defences against any incursion by the Demons. With but a thought, the Crusaders of the Light could transport themselves to predetermined destinations many leagues apart.
传送门(Town Portal)这个魔法似乎与Horadric的传送点(Waypoint)网络联系密切,其魔法运作的方式与传送魔法(Teleport Spell)相似。但是,它似乎不同于传送点(Waypoint)需要符文石一样需要某种物理介质。兄弟会(Brotherhood)在他们庞大的堡垒和殖民地中建造了许多魔法门从而可以迅速聚集防御力量抵御恶魔的入侵。另外光明十字军(Crusaders of the Light)可以通过精神力量将他们自己传送到指定的相隔甚远的其它联盟基地中去。
It's likely that there are Waypoints with additional magic infused into them to allow the use of a Town Portal spell to the vicinity of that Waypoint. A Waypoint located at a former Horadrim fortress or settlement site could be what enables Town Portal spells to bring you there. If this is the case, it might be possible for a Sorcerer with enough skill to use a similar spell to teleport directly to a Waypoint.
那些传送点(Waypoint)很可能被注入了魔法,因此它们才能作为传送门(Town Portal)使用通往临近的其它传送点(Waypoint)。你可以使用传送门(Town Portal)魔法将你送到以前去过的位于Horadrim里的堡垒和殖民地的某个传送点去。如果以上推测属实,那么一位业务熟练的巫师(Sorcerer)就可以使用类似的魔法将自己传送到某个传送点(Waypoint)去。
It could also be a completely different set of teleportation nodes, besides the actual Waypoint network, made specifically for retreating back to the nearest safe place, and nothing else.
Although the secret of creating these gateways as well as the Waypoints has been long lost, it is still possible to use the pathways that are already in place. A Portal opened by means of this spell will always take the caster to the location of the nearest gate and remain open long enough to bring the caster back to his point of origin. The Tristram Cathedral is built upon the remains of a Horadrim monastery, and has at least in the past harboured a portal gateway nearby.
尽管如何创建这些传送门及传送点(Waypoint)的秘密早已失传,但是现在仍然可以利用这些既有的传送通道。依靠这种魔法开启的传送门常将施法者送到最近的大门处,它会开启足够长的时间以让施法者返回原来的地点。Tristram大教堂(Tristram Cathedral)建立在Horadrim修道院的遗迹之上,过去在它附近至少建有一座传送门。
[edit]Known Town Portal Gateways
Tristram Cathedral - Gateway probably working
Rogue Encampment - Unknown status
Lut Gholein - Unknown status
Kurast Docks - Unknown status
Pandemonium Fortress - Unknown status
Harrogath - Unknown status, possibly destroyed when Mount Arreat exploded.
Tristram大教堂(Tristram Cathedral) - 传送门很可能还在运作
浪人营地(Rogue Encampment) - 未知状态
Lut Gholein - 未知状态
Kurast码头(Kurast Docks) - 未知状态
魔窟要塞(Pandemonium Fortress) - 未知状态
Harrogath - 未知状态,很可能毁于Arreat山峰(Mount Arreat)爆炸之时。

Speculated Town Portal Gateways
Caldeum - Centre for much magic in Sanctuary.
Caldeum - 圣殿(Sancturary)里大量魔法力量的中心

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