问: 我又看了游戏视频,有一些事情引起了我的关注。 我不是专家,但似乎有个球星的光源照耀这所有怪物我玩家。而地图上的火把根本没发挥光源的效果。(梦梦插花:这样火把要是有效果,那样的话可能会漂亮很多~)我知道暴雪喜欢符合实际的游戏设计。所以我希望能建立一套光源系统,尤其是在地牢里! 我不清楚这是否会增加硬件的要求…… 让所有火把发挥自己的作用,怪物身上有某个固定角度的光源,这将是巨大的系统。
答: 这确实需要一个大系统。 那些怪物是要被消灭的,你在MF时不会注意到光影问题,尤其是在怪物迅速进攻时。不过,我真的还没有像老大们问这个系统是否存在。
原文: 问: I've watched the gameplay trailer again and there were some things which caught my attention. I'm no expert on graphics but there seems to be only one global source of lighting which lightens up all the characters and monsters. However all those torches, candles and chandeliers don't seem to give off almost any light. I know that blizzard prefers stylization over realism but having dynamic light sources would really build up this epic sense of creepiness in dungeons. Would it really be too hardware stressing to put some more dynamic light sources in the game? By dynamic light sources I mean those which would cast shadows on other objects depending on the angle the object is positioned to the light source. It would be great if some effects like global illumination from torches would be used, so it would replicate the behavior of fire in closed environments.
答: There's a ton of dynamic lighting going on... Those are destructible objects, and you're right they don't usually seem to cast shadows. It's really not noticeable while you play, especially since they blow up fairly quickly. But I haven't asked about why they don't or if they ever will. Actually I think that shadow is from the player light, even though the player is hidden.